Premium Care for Your Book Baby

So, you’ve got your finished manuscript—yay!

The truth is, an editor steps in once you think you’re ready to send your book into the world.

As a professional editor, I follow the industry standard 4-stage system. Depending on where you’re at with your fledgling book, depends on where I get involved (like an intervention, but not scary).

Got a finished manuscript on your hands?

First of all, CONGRATULATIONS! 🥳

Second of all, here’s when you can submit your manuscript to me:

Epic Writing currently accepts the following genres:

  • Middle Grade books

  • Adult Fiction

  • YA Fiction

  • Picture books

  • Memoirs, Self-development & other Non-Fiction

To submit your manuscript for a chance to be considered, get the following information together and click the “Submit Here” button:

  1. 5000-word sample of your manuscript

  2. A brief synopsis and/or your outline (no more than 3 pages long)

2025 Submission Dates

Editing submissions are only open 3 times a year, so make sure you get your application in on time for a chance to be considered.

First Submission Season:
March 1st 2025 - March 31st March 2025

Second Submission Season:
July 1st 2025 - July 31st 2025

Third Submission Season:
November 1st 2025 - November 30th 2025

“I highly recommend Khadijah, she is very good at giving the right information at the right time. She seems to intuitively know your strengths and guided me to quickly to write my story I had inside of me…”

Miffy Lizanne

Struggling with your redraft? Sick of looking at your own manuscript or want a forensic line-by-line analysis of your soon-to-be book?

Then you’re ready for an editor…

  • Basic: Critique

    Right, you can’t read your manuscript ANYMORE! You know it needs a redraft but… where to start?

    You start with ME.

    I assess the key areas of your book and send you a full report outlining what works well and what needs improving. Chapter-by-chapter, page-by-page.

    Great News! If you’ve redrafted your manuscript as much as you can, you’re ready to skip this step and jump straight into Developmental.


  • Step 1: Developmental

    Roll your sleeves up! This is about as Epic as it gets…

    I look at the big picture of your work – the content/plot, the pacing, the structure, and your purpose. And for you fiction writers we take a good hard look at those pesky characters.

    You receive a full developmental analysis report as well as annotations on your actual manuscript, highlighting what needs to change and how to do it.

    With 2 rounds of developmental edits AND Zoom calls, I take you with me on the editing journey and we work together to tighten that draft, buff up your structure and drive that manuscript with purpose.

  • Step 2: Line & Copyedit

    Time to get the microscope out and make your words shine.

    I tweak and tinker with your language use and sentence structure while still retaining your unique writing voice.

    Want to make sure your langauge is suitable for your audience? Worried about missing inconsistencies after all those redrafts? (Seriously, your character’s hair colour has changed at least 5 times).

    Don’t worry—the line and copyedit catches it all.

  • Step 3: Proofread

    Now we need to tidy up all those changes, get our formatting on point and dust of your manuscript so it’s ready to impress agents, publishers, and those harsh Goodreads Reviewers (They spot typos in the dark. It’s sorcery, I tell you).

    Proofreading is the last stage before your project is sent into the world!

    This service is often used after a manuscript has been designed, illustrated, and/or typeset.

Meet your Editor

I can’t be your editor if you don’t trust me.

And ya can’t trust someone ya don’t know. So, let’s go…

I’m Khadijah, and I’ve studied books and stories my entire life, when even as a child I felt the need to prove to those around me I wasn’t “wasting my time” reading (ugh, people).

When I grew up, I became an editor. Then a writing coach. I quickly realised the publishing and writing world was being polluted with trends, money-making schemes, and unnecessary writing rules. They were suffocating the soul of great writing.

So, I decided to do something different.

Slowly, I pieced together the secrets of irresistible storytelling. Both in Fiction and Non-Fiction. So now, I help writers like you unlock that creative spark and harness it to write stories that readers can’t put down.

But there’s another side to me as well. I’m a mother to 4 beautiful children. I have a husband. And housework, cooking, playdates… and a laundry mountain the size of Snowdon (we all just climb over it at this point. Denial is bliss).

I understand what it’s like when responsibilities start tugging you away from your bookish dreams, and I weave that understanding into every service I offer, every Zoom call I make, and every email I send.

We’re women writers—no use hiding behind the reality of what our lives are like!

I receive upto 50 manuscripts a year, and I really wish I could edit and respond to every single one, but I’m just one person (despite my multiple personalities…). I can’t get back to everyone, so you’ll only hear from me if you and your book baby have been selected.

To increase your chances of working with me, you need to fill out the submission form and provide as much information as you can. Your book baby needs you to have faith in it!

But… like… how much?

This is the Number One question I get—How much is a super professional, life-changing edit going to cost me?

Well… how long is a piece of string?

Books are like a writer’s fingerprint, and just like fingerprints, they are completely unique. So, it’s my job to price up your book baby and take all its unique strengths and weaknesses into account. That’s why it’s so important you fill out the submission form properly so I have all the information I need to scan your “fingerprint” and put a price together for you.

2025 submission season starts: March 1st.

Submissions are now OPEN! If you’re ready to hold my hand and jump (editing with me is a “you jump, I jump” relationship 💖) then click the big button below to submit your project!

“I loved working with Khadijah. Her experience can be clearly seen through her work. I felt at ease that I knew she would do her job to the best of her ability.”

Noor Nursery Books
Children’s Publisher

If you’re a picture book author, you know it’s a whole different ball game!

Epic Writing offers editing packages specifically for picture books which includes a fast-track edit with all the relevant stages. We cover everything from Developmental right down to the Designed Proofread ( I even check your copyright pages. No letter is ignored!)

To submit your picture book for consideration, click the button below.

Picture Books

Khadijah is genuine and approachable. She is very knowledgeable and presents a credible perspective. It was a joy speaking with her, and learning from her.
[My favourite part of the service was] chatting with Khadijah and the openness and comfort she provides the client.

Heba Subeh-Hyder
Author of Maymunah’s Musings