book coach, writing advice, writing a book, editing services, book editor

Write stories that matter—
& do it YOUR way

I help women writers forge books through rule-burning storytelling, ridiculously cosy community support, and a coveted 1-1 book-writing mentorship.

At Epic Writing HQ, your words matter, your voice matters, and together, we’re rewriting the rules of storytelling.

Is Epic Writing for me?

Epic Writing is designed with women writers in mind. If you fit any of the 4 categories below, then you will thrive as an Epic Writer:

  1. Aspiring Writers: you’ve always dreamed of writing a book, but, omigod, can you sit down long enough to bash out that first draft? NOPE. You need help establishing that all-important, regular writing habit, and you need help NOW!

  2. Established Writers: you might have finished manuscripts, published books and have a consistent writing habit (go, you!) but secretly, you still battle imposter syndrome, creative blocks, or frustrating copy-and-paste traditional writing programs.

  3. Creatively Driven: maybe you haven’t got a book under your belt yet, but the thing that gets you going is authentic storytelling and getting to prioritise your voice over publishing trends (ew).

  4. Lifelong Learners: you’re a writer (and, let’s face it, a book addict) who digs immersive reading and is looking for a spot to get your craft-honing fix (hint: you’re definitely in the right place).

  • Khadijah has given me the confidence to embrace storytelling as a beginner writer.

    “Working with Khadijah has been nothing short of transformative. She’s helped me rediscover a creative world I thought I’d closed off as a child and has given me the confidence to embrace storytelling as a beginner writer.”

    Middle Grade Author

Signs to look out for

Your soul will tell you when you’re ready to take your next step to becoming an Epic Writer.

Just look out for the following signs…

  • You want help. Straight up, honest, guidance and mentorship. You’re on the hunt for a partner on your writing journey. Someone who’ll guide you when you get lost on the path to writing your manuscript.

  • You’re done with cookie-cutter programmes and generic editing that strips the soul from your work. Come on, you know your creativity deserves better…

  • The tiny voice of self-doubt has been getting louder and (quite honestly) has been holding you back for FAR too long. You need someone in your corner to help you find your confidence and let your voice shine.

  • You crave COMMUNITY. A creative haven that celebrates you, your stories, and your message, where sharing feels safe, supported, and inspiring without the judgement of snooty word nerds making you feel less-than as you navigate your life-long wordy quest.

The Editor’s Oath
(How I roll)

I break rules, not spirits

I encourage writers to break traditional writing rules when it serves their story AND let go of what everyone says they have to be, do, and write to be ⭐ successful ⭐

Permission to shine

I build writers' confidence to trust their creative instincts and embrace their unique narratives.

Collective energy

By creating a supportive community, writers can now connect, share, and grow together.

Curiouser and curiouser

Emphasising the importance of immersive reading and ongoing skill development.

writing a book, edit a book

Meet your Epic Editor

I’m Khadijah, and I’ve studied books and stories my entire life, when even as a child I felt the need to prove to those around me I wasn’t “wasting my time” reading (ugh, people). 🙈

When I grew up, I became an editor. Then a writing coach. I quickly realised the publishing and writing world was being polluted with trends, money-making schemes, and unnecessary writing rules. They were suffocating the soul of great writing.

💫 So, I decided to do something different. 💫

I pieced together the secrets of irresistible storytelling. Both in Fiction and Non-Fiction.


But there’s another side to me as well. I’m a mother to 4 beautiful children.

I have a husband. And housework, cooking, playdates… and a laundry mountain the size of Snowdon (we all just climb over it at this point. Denial is bliss).

I understand what it’s like when responsibilities start tugging you away from your bookish dreams.

I weave that understanding into every service I offer, every Zoom call I make, and every email I send.

We’re women writers—no use hiding behind the reality of what our lives are like!

Khadijah's gentle nudges and real talk to just write helped heaps.

“I found the journey of getting back into writing really challenging since I'd been away for so long. Her encouragement to set myself up for success and exploring all the ways I could get words down on a page helped me get through the sludge and reconnect with my writing voice. I'm so grateful!”

Transformative Coach

You don’t have to do the whole lonely-writer-in-an-isolated-cabin-in-the-woods thing to be a great writer.

Writing your book or being a writer doesn’t mean you must be a tortured creative experiencing the highs and lows alone. You can have a mentor (like me) or join a whole group of women just like you (in my Writer’s Room membership).

Well, what do you think, my dear friend in paper and ink?

Join the Epic Writing Revolution

Let's rekindle your fire and breathe life back into your writing. Every month, you’ll get a Rebel Report in your inbox, and inside you’ll get:

An inside look in a Writer’s/Editor’s mind (mine)

A writing challenge to flex those creative muscles (yours)

A behind-the-scenes peek at Epic Writing HQ (crazy writerly experiments for you to experience)